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US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)  |  +972-54-4646370

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

Sample English Voiceover Scripts

Here are some sample voiceover scripts in English. These scripts use segments, timelines, and/or file names, and indicate emphasis in various ways.

Note: These scripts are provided for educational purposes only, and may not be recorded as voiceover demos.


Promotional Video

No segments, emphasis indicated by italics, direction in brackets

[professional] For centuries, people have visited the Dead Sea in search of a solution to their skin care problems. Applying mud extracted from the Dead Sea has proven effective as a treatment for various dermatological afflictions, including psoriasis, [brief pause] eczema, [brief pause] early-stage skin cancer, [brief pause] and more.


Business Presentation

No segments, with timeline, emphasis indicated by underlining, direction in brackets

00:00-00:10 [formal, but friendly] Finding a professional voice actor to record your project is not as simple as it seems.

00:12-00:18 [ironically] The Internet is flooded with amateurs who simply plug in a 5$ computer microphone and call themselves a voiceover service provider.

00:25-00:32 [pondering] So how can you ensure that you get the read you need and the service you deserve?

00:35-00-40 Well, the first thing you need to do is actually listen to prospective talents’ online demos.



Segments, with filenames, emphasis indicated by bolding, direction in dedicated column

Sample voiceover script in table


Additional Information


Article by Victoria Feinerman


US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

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