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US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)  |  +972-54-4646370

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

Scientific Voiceovers

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Scientific voiceover - Requirements

Voiceover for scientific videos deals with scientific subjects - for example, computers, research and a variety of other technical subjects.

There are three requirements for scientific voiceover:

  • Scientific voiceover often includes technical jargon. Therefore, this type of voiceover requires the voice talent to research the pronunciation of the words in the script, so that the talent can deliver them correctly.
  • It is also important that the voice talent read up on the meaning of the terms, so that they can record them convincingly.
  • Additionally, the script is usually harder to understand than a non-scientific script, therefore a voice talent who can read naturally and clearly is required, so that the listeners will understand what they are hearing.

This type of voiceover may include tutorials or e-learning, and well as medical voiceover.



Read some useful tips on improving your technical voiceover’s results, including scientific voiceovers! You’ll also want to learn about Victoria’s special voiceover service for hi-tech.



Hear a vocal style you like? Contact me, tell me which demo you like, and we'll start the recording process!


Chemistry Video


Water Purification


Solar System


Anti-Cancer Medication


Nutritional Supplement




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US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

US English Voiceover (American English Voiceovers)

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